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Oedipus the King ca. 428 B.C.E


-Oedipus (King of Thebes)

- A Priest of Zeus

-Creon (Bother of Jocasta)

-Chorus of Theban citizens


-Tiresias (blind prophet)

-Jocasta (Queen, wife of Oedipus)

-Messenger from Corinth



-Priests of Thebes

“ What grief can crown this grief” -Oedipus

      Many years after Oedipus solves the Sphinx’s riddle, he has married the recently widowed Jocasta, and Thebes is struck by another plague. The gods in retort of Laius’ murder cause this. Without realizing he is to blame Oedipus searches for the one responsible. He then learns from Tiresias of the truth but does not believe him. Only when the shepherd reveals that Oedipus is the murderer does he believe. Oedipus then finds Jocasta has committed suicide by hanging herself. Stricken with grief Oedipus gouges out his eyes then exiles himself. His children are left with Creon, now king.

     In this play Sophocles discuses the metaphor of knowledge and ignorance is light. Keeping to the true nature of a tragedy, the tragic hero has a downfall. Oedipus not only punishes himself but he throws himself into exile trying to escape the horrible deeds he has unknowingly done. His greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. Sophocles also makes use of the strophe and antistrophe through the chorus.

Sophocles Oedipus Rex 1957

Oedipus Rex - The Short Version! (Animated)

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