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Antigone ca. 441


-Antigone (Oedipus daughter)

-Ismene (Oedipus daughter)

-Creon (Oedipus brother, King of Thebes)

-Eurydike (Creon wife)

-Haemon (Creon son)

-Tiresias (blind prophet of Thebes)

-Chorus (Theban Elders)






     The play is ordered the last in the Theban plays but was written first. Polynices and Eteocles, brothers of Antigone and Ismene, fought on opposing sides of the Theban civil war. They both were killed in the war, but Creon has decreed that Eteocles be given proper burial and Polynices not because he fought on the opposing side. It is the utmost disgrace to not be given a proper burial because it is believed the soul of the deceased will live in torture forever. The play begins with Antigone asking Ismene to assist her in burring Polynices body. Ismene refuses and Antigone declares she will do it herself without the help of anyone else, including Ismene. Antigone visits Polynices’ body twice. On the first time she completes the burial rites then returns; she then gets caught. Creon sentences her to death even though she is betrothed Haemon. Tiresias proves the gods support Antigone and for his actions Creon will lose a child. Creon sets to recover Antigone, but she has already hanged herself. Haemon kills himself out of grief for his betrothed followed by Eurydike who also commits suicide. Upon losing his son and wife Creon realizes he is at fault for these actions.

“I’ve no regrets for what I’ve done. And if you consider my acts foolhardy, I say: Look at the fool charging me with folly.” -Antigone

Antigone by Sophocles 1984 TV Juliet Stevenson part 7 11

Antigone in 3 Minutes and 47 Seconds

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