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Oedipus at Colonus ca. 406 B.C.E





-A Man of Colonus

-Theseus (King of Athens)


-Polyneices, the elder son of Oedipus

-A Messenger

-Chorus of Elders of Colonus

“How can my nature be evil, when all I did was matching others’ actions. Even had I done what I did full consciously, even so, I would not have been evil” – Oedipus

     Old, blind Oedipus has traveled in exile after being rejected by his sons and the city of Thebes. Antigone is the only one to have traveled with him. They arrive at Colonus and rest. They are told to leave, but he claims the ground they are on is sacred to the Furies. Oedipus remembers his prophecy told that he would die at a place sacred to the Furies. Fearful he will curse the land they are again told to leave. He defends his actions then seeks to see Theseus, their king. He explains to be of value to the gods. Ismene arrives bringing news of Eteocles and Polynices are fighting for the throne in Thebes. Theseus promises Oedipus protection and a burial site. Oedipus is disappointed with his sons’ actions and dies.

     The play contains long lyric odes, which contribute to its beauty and melancholy feel. The play contains almost no external action. Contrary to popular belief the Theban plays are not connected. Their story lines are virtually independent. Each one has its own themes and structure.


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